Dec 20, 2019 | Immersive, Spat Revolution Technical Articles, Technical Articles, Blog, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
Spat Revolution is a software engine running on standard computer hardware, dedicated to offline show content creation workflows and real time live applications. Computer Hardware Running on generic hardware means that a vast pool of audio interfaces (e.g., MADI,...
Dec 20, 2019 | Blog, Immersive, News & Press, Community, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
Orléans, France—December 2019… FLUX:: and LS Media are pleased to announce that LS Media has joined the FLUX:: Immersive Consulting Group, a coalition of companies and individuals that provide services and support for the deployment of FLUX:: Spat Revolution and other...
Dec 20, 2019 | Immersive, Spat Revolution User Stories, Blog, Community, Spat Revolution
Saskatoon, Canada—December 2019… When indie-rock trio Close Talker launched its new LP, How Do We Stay Here?, they didn’t want to introduce it with a typical live show. The band wanted people to truly listen to the music, with no distractions, and they sought a fresh...
Oct 11, 2019 | Blog, Immersive, Community, User Stories, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
Close Talker, an Indie Rock band from Saskatchewan in Canada, virtually places their audience in the center of the stage with their silent binaural show Immersive. The pre-production, live performance and recording of the show was created with the AVID S6L, Pro Tools...
Sep 13, 2019 | Blog, Analysis, Community, User Stories
Kim Planert, Los Angeles, USA, originally from Germany, award winning composer and producer working with writing and scoring for TV and Film, with over 230 episodes of prime-time television shows, feature films and indie features. “Currently I’m scoring a...
Aug 30, 2019 | Blog, Processing tools, Community, User Stories, Uncategorized
Composer, Sound engineer, owner of St. Mary’s Space, recording studio and arts space in the magical West Highlands of Scotland. My work happens at the intersection between experimentalism, improvisation and left-field rock and pop, which has allowed me to...