Feb 17, 2023 | Processing tools, Technical Articles, Tips
The Equalizer, certainly the best known audio processing tool. It’s everywhere, in your car, in your phone, in your hi-fi system (if you happen to still have one), etc. It is certainly one of the easiest effects to identify, while being a tough one to master. In...
Jan 25, 2023 | Processing tools, Technical Articles, Tips
If you’ve ever been involved with anything in some way related to sound, you certainly have heard about compression. It is one of the most used effects, along with the equalizer. There is also a ton of content available about compressors, about different types,...
Nov 24, 2022 | Processing tools, Technical Articles, Tips
In the previous two articles in this series, True Peak limiting and Loudness processing, and Limiter Theory – Knowing your tools, we’ve been talking about the general usage of limiters, and explained limiting processing in more detail. Now we will continue with...
Nov 23, 2022 | Processing tools, Technical Articles, Tips
In the previous article in this series, we initiated a conversation about limiting in order to get a rough idea of what limiting is, and what it’s doing. Now we will take a deep dive into the limiter’s gut and get our hands dirty! If you are in a hurry, skip...
Nov 22, 2022 | Technical Articles, Processing tools, Tips
Limiter processing is one of the hot topics on the internet about sound processing. Its close relation with mastering and loudness leveling makes it an unmissable tool for sound and music production. In this first article, in a series of three, we will have a very...
Jul 21, 2020 | Immersive, Spat Revolution Technical Articles, Technical Articles, Blog, Tips, Spat Revolution
FLUX:: IRCAM Spat Revolution is an object-based immersive audio mixing suite that includes a stand-alone rendering and processing application, and a set of plugins for audio and automation integration with various DAW hosts. Spat Revolution renders virtual...