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If you need to backup a system, make sure to copy all the following folders to save the software configuration.
If you need to get rid of any data stored by MiRA (these files are createad automatically on the first launch), simply delete the following folders.

Windows C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\FLUX\MiRA

Macos /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/FLUX/MiRA

On Windows, a few other settings are stored as register keys. If you need to delete these, open the windows registry editor (type ‘regedit’ in the windows search bar) and delete the following key


The preferences folders, contains 2 folders in the Session or Studio versions, and 3 folders in the Live and Ultimate versions

Capture (Live and Ultimate only):

  • Stores all your sessions (one file ” .fcap” by session).

Preferences (All verions):

  • The file “current_state.json” stores the latest workspace you were working on
  • The file “username.json” stores the preferences, aka the latest workspace loaded and the latest workspace path
  • Ul.xml stores the Ul preferences, aka the size of the app, and its location, …
    Shell (All versions):
  • Stored the previous commands entered in the terminal.
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