MiRA Ultimate MiRA Ultimate is the pinnacle of the MiRA audio analysis suite of software packaging all three MiRA applications – MiRA Live, MiRA Studio, and MiRA Session – in one convenient bundle. Buy now Subscribe * We offer a 50% academic discount,...
Ultimate Plugin Pack – Recording, Mixing, Remixing, Mastering – The complete range of FLUX:: plug-ins. Buy now * We offer a 50% academic discount, based on the full MSRP, for students, teachers and schools on all our products. Click here to apply. The...
Immersive:: Essentials Three powerful processing tools for immersive mixing and content production, including support for Dolby Atmos® workflows, meeting the requirements of a new exciting era in audio production – The Immersive Audio Revolution. Buy now * We offer...
Studio Session Pack Some of our finest recording and mixing tools, the Flux:: Essentials, in a comprehensive bundle for the Project Studio. AU / VST2 / VST3 / AAX NativeMono/Stereo Only | Max 96kHz sample rate. Buy now Supported OS : Windows – 7 SP1, 8.1 and...