Welcome to FLUX:: Immersive SPAT Revolution world!

Want to test drive SPAT Revolution with the WFS add-on option?

We want to know who you are and your actual system usage. After completing and posting this form, we will get back to you with an activation code for a test license valid for a period of 30 days.

This information will be shared with our FLUX:: Immersive consulting group, a team of integration experts servicing our customers for system recommendations, best deployment practice of SPAT Revolution and much more.

SPAT Revolution Ultimate WFS Test-Drive


    Do you currently own a license for SPAT Revolution Ultimate? *

    What are you evaluating the SPAT Revolution WFS option for? *

    Touring / Portable systemPermanent Sound InstallationMuseology and Immersive Experience content creationResearch Center / Education InstitutionOther - Please specify:

    What type of speaker arrangement are you looking to deploy for the main audience area? *

    Not defined yetColinear speaker systems (line of speakers in a frontal setting with a minimum of 5 elements)Colinear speaker system with the 2D audience surrounding speaker elements3D speaker arrangements surrounding the audienceNone

    Does your deployment require addressing other audience areas / PA zones? *

    Not definedBalconies and under balconiesSide stage zones / Out fillsFront stage zone / Front fillsNone

    Would you be interested to get in touch with one of our system specialists, or being referred to one of our certified integration partners? *
