Jun 12, 2020 | Blog, Immersive, Spat Revolution Technical Articles, Events, Community, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
From Pre-Production to Live Show at the 360 Paris Music Factory Democracy for Immersive Audio – Introducing the use of immersive audio in a performing arts venue is not a crazy exclusive scientific stunt, and not something that is out of reach today. In the...
May 21, 2020 | Blog, Immersive, Spat Revolution User Stories, Community, User Stories, Spat Revolution
Berlin, Germany—April 2020… Given his background mixing front-of-house for rock bands, it’s no surprise that when Sphereo sound designer and 3D audio operator Jonas Gehrmann discusses immersive audio, he focuses a lot on music use cases. “In the end, immersive audio...
May 1, 2020 | Immersive, Spat Revolution Technical Articles, Technical Articles, Blog, Community, Tips, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
The easiest and fastest way to get started with Spat Revolution in a DAW environment is by using the Local Audio Path mode, running Spat on the same workstation as the DAW. To facilitate this and to get started easily, we have created sessions and templates for a...
Apr 27, 2020 | Blog, Immersive, Spat Revolution User Stories, Community, User Stories, Spat Revolution
Amsterdam, The Netherlands—April 2020… Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA) is both a theater venue and home to a large-scale, international traveling company presenting established and new theater and dance works. Led by director Ivo van Hove, ITA has increasingly...
Apr 9, 2020 | Spat Revolution User Stories, Blog, Immersive, Community, User Stories, Spat Revolution, Uncategorized
Tokyo, Japan – April 2020… Shinjuku has a long history as one of Tokyo’s most vibrant areas, and Waseda is arguably the district’s cultural and creative nexus. The area is home to the renowned Waseda University, as well as numerous museums, theaters, night clubs, and...